Congratulations to Paul Weyland Junior Golf Academy Rising Stars student’s Nate Barkan, Jake Slocum, and Connor Mahoney for their fine play in this past weekend’s Rocky Mountain Junior Golf Tour event at Banbury Golf Club. Congratulations also to Strive for Excellence students Natalie Mullins, Carson Barry, Drew Lunt, Jason Adkins, Cole Bunderson, and Justin Higgins. Also, congratulations to Colby Dean for his fine play in the ID State Match Play Championship, making it to the semi-finals
Not everyone played to the level they wanted or are capable of and that is often the way it is with this game of golf. However, what is important, and what I am so proud of them for is the professionalism, sportsmanship, and great attitudes they displayed on the course. Remember that “strength does not come from winning….your struggles develop your strengths.”
At this young age winning means nothing, because kids develop and mature at different rates and times. David Leadbetter told his juniors and myself as a coach working for him that there is not one shot a junior golfer will hit that in the big picture of their lives will really matter.
The important thing at this age is that they learn something every day and when they have a bad day, they pick themselves up, dust themselves off, go back to work hard, and try their best next time. These young kids are learning life lessons like how to deal with adversity. “Adversity will either destroy you, define you, or develop you,” and in all these fine young people it will help develop them into better and more productive citizens no matter what they chose to do in their lives.
Well done, I am very proud of you all!